The Righteousness of Faith
Introduction In the following article it is my hope to set forth an exhortation to Christians to live more by faith. It is also my hope to showcase the absolute necessity of faith as the preeminent posture one can have before God. Faith is the victory that overcomes the world. Faith trumps any so-called righteousness […]
So Much Irony in This Passion
Copyright The Washington Post Company Feb 29, 2004 If Protestant Americans, diverse as they are, can be said to share a symbol, it has to be the clean-cut cross of Jesus they so liberally display. Hallmark puts it on cards, churches set it atop spires, celebrities hang it in their bling-bling. It’s out there in […]
Estimating the Passion of the Christ
ISA 53:4 Surely our griefs He Himself bore, And our sorrows He carried; Yet we ourselves esteemed Him stricken, Smitten of God, and afflicted. With these words Isaiah, the Prophet of Israel, predicts the sufferings of the Messiah of Israel. With these words Isaiah predicts the Atonement of Jesus Christ the Son of God and […]
Cult/Sect Overview
Americans and Canadians have seen much in the media in recent decades about the phenomena of cults and sects. The tragic mass suicide of the People’s Temple in Guyana, the horrific flaming destruction of the Branch Davidians in Texas, the self-destruction of the oddball members of heaven’s Gate in California, and the deadly collapse of […]
Why Catholics Are Wrong
The above title may seem arrogant and out of place in a pluralistic and relativistic society. It is however appropriate in this case because we are reviewing a new book released in 2011 entitled Why Catholics Are Right. The author of the book is Michael Coren. We read this about Mr. Coren off the jacket cover […]
The Not So “New Breed” of Roman Catholic Enthusiasts
A friend of mine in Toronto sent me an article published in The Wanderer. This information is provided by The Wanderer on their web site: The Wanderer, a national Catholic weekly journal of news, commentary, and analysis, has been publishing continually since 1867. Owned and operated by Catholic laymen, The Wanderer is independent of ecclesiastical oversight but maintains a fiercely […]
Mary: Favored But Not Immaculate
It is the Roman Catholic position that Mary, the mother of Jesus, was born without sin and committed no sin her entire life. We read this from the New Catholic Catechism: “Mary benefited first of all and uniquely from Christ’s victory over sin: she was preserved from all stain of original sin and by a special […]
Divinely Given Faith Really Works!
The first premise of the Christian Gospel is that man is a sinful creature and guilty of sinning before his holy and righteous Creator. According to the Gospel of Jesus all of mankind is depraved : “For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). We all are sons and […]
Why Dr. Al Mohler Should Not Have Signed the Manhattan Declaration
I have read with interest an article written by Al Mohler on giving reasons why he, Al Mohler (President of The Southern Baptist Seminary), signed the Manhattan Declaration. I do not know too much about Dr. Mohler but I know a lot about ECT, The Gift of Salvation, The Lutheran Accord, and other ecumenical statements that have come along in […]
Three Different Gospels from One Verse of Scripture!
The way in which the English word save (sozo in the Greek text) is used by James is a point of severe controversy. We wish to begin our examination with the three very distinct ways to understand James 2:14. There is the Roman Catholic interpretation, the Grace Evangelical view, and the Reformed position. The manner in […]