The Modern Day Sophism of Roman Catholic Justification

Sophistry: A method of argumentation that seems clever but is actually flawed or dishonest. Sophism: An argument or explanation that seems very clever or subtle on the surface but is actually flawed, misleading, or intended to deceive. It is very important for Roman Catholic defenders to use the words grace, faith, works, merit, justification, salvation, and gratuitous […]

The Marketing of Merit in the Roman Catholic Religion

In the October 1995 issue of This Rock magazine, the feature article was devoted to a Catholic exposition on the meaning of “merit” in the Roman Catholic religion. The author, a free-lance writer named Mark P. Shea, is a former “evangelical” converted to the Roman Catholic religion in l987. The title of Mr. Shea’s article is: “The […]

What To Do With Works in Romans 2

Christianity is separated from all other religions in its conviction that other systems are wrong to think that God is principally interested in self-righteousness and good works as a portion of the qualifying ground of justification. In short, Christians gasp at the notion that God would justify the un-godly on any other basis than the […]

Mass Deception

If any of our readers happen to be subscribers to a cable network, they may have occasionally flipped past Mother Angelica’s Eternal Word Television Network, or EWTN, a globally broadcast Roman Catholic cable channel. Among the many regularly featured Roman Catholic programs is one that we would invite our readership to view: the Daily Mass […]

Dead in Adam and Alive in Christ

(This article was originally presented by Mr. Zins at the Ex-Catholics for Christ Conference in November, 1997.) Any view of salvation must have as its origin a view of condemnation. One cannot conceive of salvation unless one is convinced of a need of salvation. That man has a need of salvation is readily admitted by Roman Catholic […]

When in Rome – Think as Rome?

A review of Rome, Sweet Home by: Robert M. Zins Light, breezy, sincere, winsome, and sprinkled with arsenic might best describe this emotional autobiography, Rome, Sweet Home, co-authored by Schott and Kimberly Hahn. Written in a down-home folksy way, this little book is going to be very popular, and herein lays the danger. Scott Hahn is a former […]

The Real Versus the Un-real

The Roman Catholic religion has a number of defenders. They make truth claims about their religion. One of the foundational truth claims asserted by Roman Catholic apologists is that the Roman Catholic religion is Christian. We do not believe the Roman Catholic religion is Christian. Hence, we answer Rome’s truth claims point by point in […]

The Roman Catholic Spin Zone

The following article centers upon the inherent contradictions within Rome between the pronouncements of Vatican II and Unam Sanctum [the bull of Pope Boniface VIII] with regards to salvation outside of the Roman Catholic religion. Christians may safely observe that Rome does indeed contradict herself. Also, asking Rome who can be saved or lost is, […]

Roman Catholic Grace

In light of all the commotion that has been stirred up by the document, Evangelicals and Catholics Together (ECT), and the subsequent national press given to this document, and the corresponding fall-out from its signing by Dr. J.I. Packer, a prominent evangelical, it is time to get to the heart of the matter. We have reviewed the […]

Why The Bible Alone?

Every Christian should pay careful attention to the Roman Catholic challenge that the Bible alone is not the only Word of God. If there are other sources of equal weight and magnitude as the Bible, then Christian doctrine, stemming only from Bible exegesis, must be open to correction from outside the Bible. For, if there […]