Analysis of The Gift of Salvation
Due to the negative fall-out ensuing upon the Spring of 1994 release of the Evangelicals and Catholics Together Statement (ECT), there has been a re-formulation of sorts among the signers of ECT. This re-formulation appears in the document entitled: The Gift of Salvation (GS). Having already analyzed the original ECT, it behooves us now to examine this […]
Analysis of The Lutheran Accord
Most of the Christian world knows that something dramatic happened in Augsburg, Germany on October 31st, 1517. On that day an obscure monk named Martin Luther ambled up to the north door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg and nailed 95 theses to the door. Luther had written his theses in protest to the Roman […]
Analysis of Evangelicals and Catholics Together
Introduction The Document begins with a pre-emptive theological strike. It is assumed outright that the Roman Catholic religion is a Christian religion. “As we near the Third Millennium, there are approximately 1.7 billion Christians in the world. About a billion of these are Catholics and more than 300 million are Evangelical Protestants.” p. 2 ″As Evangelicals […]
Analysis of Dominus Iesus
Brief History Many of you are now familiar with a flurry of ecumenical endeavours on the part of Catholic and Protestant churchmen. One document that recently caused lively debate is “Evangelicals and Catholics Together” (1994), a document signed by such leading Evangelicals as J.I. Packer and Charles Colson in which past differences between the divided […]